Please enjoy these featured Marketing Articles
Written by our Senior Writer, Researcher and Analyst, Jeffrey Dobkin
11 Best Practices for Retailers
What? You wanted to go into retail? You really are crazy, aren’t you… just like your uncle said. At least this article will help drive customers to your door. Hope it’s helpful.
A 6 Step Plan to Get Seniors to Call You
Is there a trick to market effectively to Boomers? No. Seniors are just like everyone else, but can’t drive as well, can’t see without their glasses, have less hair, and don’t go on as many dates. Oh well… some of us are still pretty happy, not that I’m an old guy or anything… No tricks in marketing to reach them — and make them call you. Seriously: here’s how to generate calls from seniors.
Death and Dismemberment – You Insurance Guys Crack Me Up!
Selling Insurance to the Senior Market? Here’s a 5-step plan that’s easy to follow.
29 Points to Create an Effective Press Release
Are you getting a lot of media coverage? Or generating “Ink” or “Buzz” as they say in the media circles. If not, well, maybe your press releases suck. Remember: to get published they have to 1. get read by a busy editor, and 2. get selected for publication; then to be effective they need to 3. generate the response you are seeking. Here’s a no bs hit list to help you create a more effective press release campaign.
Using Incentives and Ad Specialities
Motivating sales reps and buyers, increasing sales, increasing loyalty all can be accomplished with an intelligent free gift program. In a fun style this article explains the industry nuances and gives you the names and dates of the industry shows – if it was in 2017. There is some carryover and the article is probably still pretty helpful. Lemme know if you’d like to update it. While you’re at it, please update the jokes, too. Thanks.
More Tips for Inventors
Inventors call me all the time and ask me how to market their invention. I guess I’m supposed to tell them on the phone even though they won’t disclose their product or their budget, and they haven’t read any of my books or articles. Now I can be like the big guys: I can tell them to simply look up this article on my website… just like when the phone company doesn’t want to talk to you – they blow you off to their website. Hey, you want serious information on marketing your invention? It takes work, time, effort and energy – and money! Or at least 3 out of the 5. Call with serious questions and I’ll be happy to talk. Call when you’re half hung over to discuss the drawing you scribbled on your napkin last night at a bar after a few dozen brewskis and I’ll kindly recommend this article.
Discount Newspaper Advertising – How to buy newspaper space ads at huge discounts
Why would you ever pay list price for newspaper advertising space when most newspaper advertising rates are negotiable? Some are highly negotiable. Here are 5 ways to get better discount newspaper advertising rates.
Free Catalogs of Mailing Lists
One month I called every mailing list company who ran an ad in any of the direct marketing trade journals. I then analyzed the catalogs I received and here’s the write-up of my analysis.
9 Reasons to Send A Cover Letter with Every Press Release
Still not sending cover letters with every piece of mail you send out? Then I guess you don’t care enough about getting that one extra person in 100 to respond. Actually, a letter can give your press release a 50% better chance of getting press coverage. Don’t believe it? Keep reading…
A 15-Point Checklist for your Ad
How do your ads measure up to these criteria? Better to figure it out now, than to run an ineffective ad.
Selling More
Written on assignment for the office products industry, it’s still one of my funniest articles. There’s an important message about selling big ticket items in here somewhere. Fortunately, you don’t have to wait too long as it’s a short article. Lesson: How to be yourself, yet sell lots more product. Learn the secretes right now…
The Best Direct Marketing Campaign I’ve Ever Written
I’ve spent 25 years in direct marketing and this is still the best direct marketing campaign, ever. This article spells out exactly what it is, and how you can do this complete marketing campaign yourself. All in under 2,500 words.
Making the Telephone Work for You
Real live telephoning customers is an art. A lost art, to most companies. After a bit of rambling, babbling, and Dobkin’s own cynical approach to getting interrupted at dinner by a telemarketer, he demonstrates how the phone can be successfully used in your own campaigns without annoying customers or getting in trouble with the FTC, whose only function seems to be passing more laws every session. Don’t we have enough laws by now? Fun and interesting reading.
The Objective of a Marketing Campaign
Dobkin says, “I’ve written articles so technical and so academic… I don’t even like them. This is one of them.” For you technical marketing geeks, you might like this. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone who you are, although those 15 pens in that plastic pocket protector might give you away…
Jeffrey Dobkin has authored 7 books mostly on marketing. He has written over 250 marketing articles that have appeared in more than 300 magazines. To find out more about Jeffrey please visit the “about” page on his other website,
Thanks for visiting our Danielle Adams Publishing Company website. To contact Jeffrey, geeky guy that he is, the best way to contact him is to email him at jeffdobkin at gmail. You can also try calling him at 610-642-1000, where during the summer months he only occasionally picks up his voicemails when he’s not out riding his bike or traveling. Thanks and We hope you are enjoying this site.